Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Every year lent rolls around and it is seen as a time to renew our failed attempts at new years resolutions. For many this means giving up chocolate or meat on specific days. I rarely hear of people deciding to take things on for lent. This year I am going to do a classic with a twist and see how it goes. 

For lent I have decided to read my Bible everyday. This is simple enough. Recently I bought a chronological Bible that goes through in one year. I have been distracted and pressed and not taken the time to start. Today I started. Where is the twist though? 

The twist comes in with what I plan to do with reading everyday. I am going to blog about what I read each day to accomplish many things. First, this will help me stay accountable. I will be able to check myself (and anyone who reads the blog) will know if I miss a day. This focus will keep me on the challenge. Secondly, and much more important, it will help me focus and think over what it is I am learning and God is trying to teach me. I hope that this aspect of my lenten goal brings me closer to God, which is what lent is all about!

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