Friday, December 12, 2008

Today I make my first steps to REALLY following Jesus

There has been a thought racing through my mind over the last couple of weeks. How do I live out the gospel? I can teach about Jesus, but am I really doing what Jesus instructed? 

I was starting to feel this as I did some classic youth minister things of upgrade a room and implement a few new program things. I am trying to create a new culture in this church and ministry but what is the goal of that ministry? This started to bubble up in my and was only made worse by starting the book "Irresistible Revolution".  This book put words to what I was feeling and frankly messed me up. 

The book points out how we have this culture of what Christianity is, especially in the States. There is singing songs, going to church, flannel graphs, Sunday School, ect. These things are all nice, but is that really what Jesus wanted? The more I contemplated this the more I settled into the answer of no. Jesus wants us to study what he has to say, know it, but if we do not practice it then what good is our faith. By practice I do not mean sitting in church and being "active" that way. I mean going out and shaking up the world! 

It is great that we have pastors and churches to connect with, but what do we do with that? Instead of filling up our lives with serving others and taking care of the poor and "least of these" we sign our youth up for soccer, band, and buy video games and DVDs to entertain them. We entertain, subdue and focus on good behavior. Our church does not need good behavior but rebels and radicals like the one on the cross. We need to not sit back and allow our lives to be filled up so we are "too busy to help". I fully believe that the hardest place to ACTUALLY follow Jesus is in the United States. Not because of government, but because of the church itself and the culture that we have all bought into. 

I have resolved that I want to become a radical. I no longer want a faith that is easy, but one that puts me in tension with everything. I never want to be comfortable, but uneasy and struggling. 

This is not something that I am going to let slide by. Jesus sent out his disciples into the world and told them to take nothing with them. Why? I believe he did this because He wanted his followers to interact with the world and we do not do that when we cling to the things we know and possessions we have. Example- If I can pay for myself why would I talk to people and try and find food, shelter, and clothing. When we have nothing we are braver to trust in God and reach out to others. 

I wish I could go live in India and work at the home for the dying and the destitute. I wish I could work with Lepers and take nothing. This how ever will never be my way. I have always had a horrible immune system that has lead to me contracting Tuberculosis when I went on a mission to Mexico. In that light, Kessia and I have talked and decided some ways we are going to try and break the spell of the culture on us right here to inspire others to live differently. We will add and adapt when we become comfortable with these things.  

We are going to do no light summers. This means no light switch will ever be flipped on in our house from June to September. We waste so much electricity by staying in doors with the blinds drawn. This will also allow us to get up earlier and go to bed earlier. The heat will also go off completely.

I will not buy another video game for myself. I love video games, but I have wasted so much money on them. These games pull me away from people in the world and keep me from spreading the gospel. They keep me alone, isolated, and often angry. 

This is where we will start. We have thought of getting rid of TV, movies, and video games. We talked about giving up electricity. Making all of our clothes. Growing all of our own food. Giving up single occupant transportation. Giving up the grocery store during Lent to limit and simplify. We have also thought about where we can help and volunteer for the least of these. Some of these things we are not ready for, but want to consider. Maybe we will make it there. 

Here is where I start becoming the radical I believe Jesus wanted me to be. It is a small thing now. Hopefully we can grow and as we break the spell new more radical ideas will take the place. 

Today is the day Jesus, I am taking my first steps to living out what it is that you have asked of me. Break down my barriers. Form my mind. I will no longer try to lead you Lord, but instead truly break down and become your obedient servant. 

1 comment:

Jessica Coblentz said...

Glad to hear the book is making such an impact on your life. I read it a couple years ago and I would love to talk to you more about it. I also think it is great that you and Kessia have decided to take practical steps to actualize these recent convictions in your life. Please keep all of us in the blogsphere updated on the experience...