Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Starting off..

I have heard the best way to get started as a writer is to just start writing. I hope to get this blog going so that I can get the barrier broken and no longer worry about making things perfect. One thing in these non focused entries that you will notice is that I have a tendency to jump to tangents. This is going to be the first of those.

Perfection in writing has reminded me of how we often seek to be perfect. Wesley himself, wrote about Christian Perfection. While I will reserve another post for that, I think it has become something difficult for us to deal with. We often struggle with not being perfect. I know I have often wondered if I can do something I can not do it as well as others. My big Brother was the one I battled with the most. If there was something he could do that I could not then I would be devastated. Often if I was not perfect (or match my brother) in the very first try I would not want to keep trying and quit. Instead of struggling along to become better and grow, I would give in and run to the things I was better at.

I surrender now. No, I am not giving up. Rather I am owning my imperfection and pledging to pursue God. I will not have perfect grammer. Often my thoughts will be all over the place, hard to read/follow, and maybe just plain wrong. I am ok with that, because this is not about me having all the answers.

In the end I guess I do understand Wesley's pursuit of perfection. I will not be perfect, ie without sin, but I pursue christian perfection with all my heart. While I will not get into if it is possible to make it to Christian perfection, I know that is what my heart desires. It desires God and to be with God. I hope that through this process I can become closer with God.

I do not know if anyone will end up reading this blog, and in all honesty I do not care. This about my relationship with God. It always helps to reflect on what we are learning about God and try to focus those thoughts. I have often bounced things off of other friends and loved ones. This time I need to get my thoughts out there for God. If God ends up using this blog to help others than glory to Him. If not, then I know He will use it to help me draw close. I hope by the end of this I have wrestled, cried, stuggled, battled, argued, debated, understood, clarified, focused, and fallen in love with God.

To the journey.

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